Why is TiGeRSshare free for charities?
Our goal is to help everyone win with TiGeRSshare. If we charge a charity money to get started, then we are taking money away from their cause. We are taking a meal away from a child or assistance away from somebody who needs it.
We want to become a primary source of fundraising for charities. We do not want to add to their expenses.
Can a charity receive donations from TiGeRSshare even if they are not registered with TiGeRSshare?
Yes, of course. Many of the charities in our database are not officially “registered” on our system.
A “registered TiGeRSshare charity” is NOT a legal document or a binding contract. It is simply a charity that chooses to distribute our membership invitations to their supporters.
They are instrumental in helping us reach our goal of $100,000,000 for charities in one year by helping us to create an army of dedicated members that buy from participating retailers online and in store.
Can a non-profit or association take part in TiGeRSshare?
Absolutely! We encourage organizations of all sorts and sizes to use and benefit from the TiGeRSshare program. The best way to benefit is to distribute membership invitations to your supporters and encourage them to buy from participating retailers.
One day, everyone will have a TiGeRSshare member code. The question is, will they have one they got from their beloved charity, non-profit, community group, or social media, participating retailers, their favorite sport club, a different charity, or one of our many distributors?
Technology always gives the biggest benefits to those that participate early.
Does TiGeRSshare have a charity?
NO, TiGeRSshare is not a charity. It does not have a charity. TiGeRSshare is an LLC in USA. It is a for profit, data technology platform. We inspire people to buy from retailers that give back.
Our favorite charity is whatever charity that our member’s care about most! Although the Founders & partners have charities that they care deeply about, our focus at TiGeRSshare is providing a platform to help everybody win.
Another way to answer your question, is yes, TiGeRSshare has a charity, non-profit and association. In fact, with your help it has millions of them! TiGeRSshare gives back to whatever charity our eventual tens of millions of members instruct us to.
How can TiGeRSshare support the view of so many different charities and non-profits?
Our focus at TiGeRS Share is to support what YOU care about, NOT what the founders and partners of TiGeRS Share care about.
We have provided you with a platform to support your cause. We may not necessarily agree with the views and opinions of each charity, non-profit and association in our database, but if they are legal registered charity and obey the laws and guidelines set in place by their respective governments, TiGeRSshare will do whatever we can to support them through our solution.
We care about what you care about. Members choose the charity. Enjoy.
The charity I support is no longer available, why?
TiGeRSshare reserves the right to terminate any association with a charity, non-profit or association that has failed to uphold our terms and conditions.
Some examples of the causes for termination or non-participation include:
Association with or suspicion of criminal or terrorist activity
Offensive, inappropriate or unethical behavior
Malicious acts of any kind, intentionally or unintentionally, such as spamming, rude pictures, offensive content that is uploaded to the TiGeRSshare website or shared with the TiGeRSshare community in any fashion.
Direct donations to any political party or organization. Our mission is meant for causes that benefit any and all causes that build our communities without allowing politics to divide our communities.
The platform is designed to help direct donations to worthy charities that have been chosen by our members and as such must adhere to a professional standard of conduct and avoid politics.
Can I choose to donate to more than one charity?
Eventually you will be given a choice to divide your donations between a number of different charities. However, until that upgrade is made you will be given only one choice.
You can change which charity receives your donation, if it is 10 days prior to the payout date. Notification will be given to provide you with enough time to change your charity before the donation date if you wish.
I can’t find the charity I want to choose in the register drop down menu.
Our “database” is a list of charities other people have chosen to this date. If your charity of choice doesn’t pop up when you’re typing it in, just type the name and it will be added to the database once verified.
You will be sent a confirmation email. If you are the first one to enter that specific charity, we will need you to reply to us to help us by adding the contact information for your charity.
I have a charity (non-profit or association). How can I get involved?
Contact us at 1-844-TIGERS8 (1-833-844-3778), email us at info@tigersshare.com or fill out the online form on the tigersshare.com website and a TiGeRS Share representative will contact you.
Is TiGeRSshare program really free for charities?
Yes, it really is 100% free. No set up or maintenance fee. No monthly or yearly fee. No advertising or marketing fee. We never ask for money from any charity.
Charities are the beneficiary of this amazing solution.
Retailers spend in excess of $1 Trillion on marketing every year, which a majority of this material becomes garbage or is ignored.
Retailers want sales and they will do whatever the customer wants them to do with their marketing dollars. As a charity in TiGeRSshare database you can promote purchasing products from TiGeRSshare vendors by your patrons and receive ongoing donations on the purchases made by members who have chosen you as their charity of choice.
How much money can my charity or non-profit make with TiGeRSshare?
Our analytics suggest that for every supporter from your community that becomes a TiGeRSshare member, that supporter will generate approximately $120/year in donations from the retail brands that participate in the Gratitude Rewards system. Do the math on 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 supporters creating $120/yr in corporate donations to your cause! Now you can leverage the support you already have in your community to become ambassadors for your community, expanding awareness to retailers to also enjoy the benefits of the Share and Celebrate Economy, and build passive and recurring donations for your cause!
As a TigerSshare member you are telling the retailer to stop the madness of traditional marketing and give you cash back and to make a donation to your favourite charity.
The question is will the new member choose your charity or a different charity?